Aesthetic Treatments to Soften Lines & Wrinkles
Wrinkle relaxing treatments soften lines caused by active muscles in the face and neck. A few well-placed units will give a natural, refreshed appearance.
Consultation Prior to Treatment: During a consultation our clinicians will assess your face and concerns and together you can decide on the best option for you.
How do Treatments Soften Lines and Wrinkles? Wrinkle softening treatments are used to reduce ‘dynamic’ lines caused by facial expression, such as the frown, forehead lines and lines around the eyes. They can also address lines on the lower face, and improve resting facial expression that might otherwise appear look “sad, “worried”, “mad” or “tired”. Where indicated, muscle softening treatments can reduce facial pain, slim overactive chewing muscles and reduce prominent neck bands pulling down on the face.
Smoothing fine lines and wrinkles on the upper face
Reducing strong muscles on the lower face causing a down turned mouth or prominent chin crease
Facial slimming or jaw clenching
Reducing underarm or facial sweating
Improving skin quality on the face or neck
Improving overactive neck muscles that pull down on the face and contribute of jowls
There are many medical indications for wrinkle softening injections such as reduction in migraines and chronic pain/muscle tension, reduction in sweating and improvement in skin quality.
Who is the Ideal Candidate? Patients of any age or gender can benefit from wrinkle softening treatments. It is important to consider that these medications reduce muscle movement, they don’t fill lines that are present at rest - static skin creases require a different treatment. However, the good news is that if used early on, wrinkle softening treatments can prevent the formation of heavy static lines. If you wish to do this, start your treatments at an age when you are beginning to see tiny lines at rest.
Note that Written clearance from a neurologist is required for clients with conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis or Myaesthenia Gravis. Not suitable if pregnant.
What is the recommended treatment plan? A treatment 3- 4 times year will maintain the effects. In time, some patients only need to visit twice a year.
What can I expect during the procedure? Once we have completed your initial consultation and decided on a plan you will fill in a consent form. Photos will be taken prior to your treatment. The procedure is quick and lasts about 15 minutes.
Is there any downtime? There is no significant downtime. Occasional redness will settle within 30 minutes. Avoid putting pressure on the treated area for 4- 6 hours. Make up can be worn the next day and you can resume your usual activities straight away.
What are the risks of Wrinkle Softening treatments? The main issues involve a risk of bruising. Rarely asymmetry or temporary muscle weakness may occur – this is short term and can usually be adjusted at your complimentary follow-up appointment. During your consultation we will discuss the possible risks and benefits of the treatment to make sure this is a suitable treatment for you.
What is the expected result? Allow 2 weeks for the product to have full effect. We offer complimentary review and top up if required after your first treatment only.
What is the cost? Due to regulatory guidelines imposed by the AHPRA and the TGA in 2024, we are not permitted to disclose any more information on our website in regards to the specific types and brands of treatments we offer, the pricing of medical treatment or images depicting possible results. This type of information can be discussed during a consultation
Multimodality Treatments: Dr Grant will often pair this type of treatment with skin treatments to improve skin quality and radiance such as he BioRevive Peel , Laser Facials,Collagen Stimulating and Ultraformer. These modalities work synergistically to give a natural, glowing and tighter skin with no significant downtime and can be combined in the same session.
“Wrinkle relaxing treatments soften lines caused by active muscles in the face and neck. A few well-placed units will give a natural, refreshed appearance. ”