My Alai™ Multisystem Nutritional Support

My Alai™ Multisystem Support is a clinic-only TGA approved formulation that provides comprehensive nutritional, antioxidant, and herbal support for foundational processes in the body. It contains a blend of essential vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, antioxidants, and active compounds that support foundational cellular processes essential for health, and address the mechansims that drive ageing, inflammageing, skin conditions and metabolic disorders. A comprehensive formulation that supports vitality and general health and wellbeing, addressing symptoms at the root cause.

  • Supports healthy gastrointestinal, immune, and nervous system function

  • Supports metabolism, energy production & thermogenesis

  • Helps maintain healthy blood sugar and lipids

  • Supports cognitive function & brain health

  • Enhances memory and helps the body adapt to stress with Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • Reduces inflammation and free radical damage

  • Assists natural cleansing and supports  detoxification processes with Western Herbal Medicine

  • Promotes hair thickness and reduces hair loss

  • Promotes collagen formation and enhances skin health

My Alai™ Multisystem Nutritional Support

Dose: 20g (two scoops) daily. Add two scoops to 250mls of water, juice or a smoothie and mix well.


My Alai™ Multisystem Support Quality and Safety Information

My Alai™ is manufactured in Australia, by a a seven-time winner of Complementary Medicines Australia “High Quality Manufacturer” award.

Efficacy: My Alai™ Multisystem Support is a complementary medicine which differentiates it from a functional food supplement. It contains the highest concentration of actives per gram possible at doses that serve a therapeutic role in the body and is TGA approved.

Integrity: Bio-Alai® does not contain potentially immunogenic ingredients like protein powders and bulking agents.

Quality: All ingredients have been sourced to the highest purity available. The excipients that bulk the product are composed of 70% Glycine, an antioxidant compound, stevia, citric acid and natural flavours.

Safety: My Alai™ Multisystem Support has undergone quality testing for toxins and allergens.  It is vegan and free from wheat, gluten, dairy, lactose, egg, sesame, peanuts, nuts, yeast, soy, bee pollen, fish, shelfish, animal products, artificial colours, sweeteners and flavours.


Bio-Alai Personalised Nutrition Plans

If you are wanting more than a daily supplement, and want an individualised nutritional plan to improve your lifestyle and physical health, you may want to access a the Bio- Alai Personalised Nutrition Plan.

This is a lifestyle, nutraceutical formulation and personalised nutrition plan to help you achieve your health and aesthetic goals. The assessment is done online, and offers a host of supportive material and ongoing education. It offers support for all dietary philosophies and helps to empower people to engage in their own health

This online assessment and plan is based on algothigms formulated by an Australian Cosmetic Physician and Nutritional Medicine Practitioner, Dr Agnes Warchalowski who created Bio- Alia personal plans based on her 20 years of clinical experience,

While everyone can benefit from a personalised plan, they are especially beneficial for people who:

  • Feel like they need a reset

  • Are struggling with resistant fat and can't lose weight no matter what they do

  • Regularly experience symptoms of chronic inflammation such as fatigue, brain fog, mood swings, insomnia and food intolerances.

  • Are struggling with skin symptoms like rapid skin ageing, rashes, acne and rosacea or auto immune disease.

  • Want to address symptoms of peri-menopause and menopause or optimise health before the transition begins

  • Exercise intensely, have a high work load, chronic stress or are over-scheduled

  • Follow a restrictive or ketogenic diet, vegans, vegetarians, carnivores, one-meal-a-day, 16:8 fasting or similar plans.

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Weight Loss Results from Bio-Alai Personalised Nutrition Plans combined with supported lifestyle coaching