Aesthetic Treatments to Volumise & Contour the Face

Aesthetic treatments can be used to rejuvenate the face by restoring volume and enhancing underlying structures without surgery. When used with knowledge of facial ageing and in combination with other modalities, these types of treatments can refresh your face, look natural, and subtly enhance your beauty.

Consultation Prior to Treatment: The key to natural outcomes is understanding why and how the face ages, taking the time to assess your facial features  and developing  a customised approach to enhance,  as opposed to augment your facial features. During a consultation our clinicians will assess your face and concerns and together you can decide on the best option for you.

How do Treatments Volumise & Contour the Face work? As we age,  facial volume reduces, causing a general deflation and sagging of the facial structures. This makes gives an impression of fatigue and distress, and may not reflect what we feel inside. Aesthetic treatments can improve facial volume, “fill in” lines and wrinkles and provide structural support, preventing signs of ageing.These types of treatments can also be used to achieve a more proportioned face and balanced facial profile. This approach gives subtle, natural outcome


  • Reducing static wrinkles and fine lines in the skin

  • Feminising or masculinising the face e.g. refining the cheek bones or jawline

  • Improving structural support in the midface and reducing “tired eyes”

  • Providing increased structural support to the chin, jawline or midface

  • Hydrating and supporting the lip and perioral region

  • Improving the jawline contour and disguising the dvelopment of jowls

  • Reducing marionette lines around the mouth

Who is the Ideal Candidate? Patients of any age or gender can benefit from wrinkle softening treatments. It is important to consider that these medications reduce muscle movement, they don’t fill lines that are present at rest - static skin creases require a different treatment. However, the good news is that if used early on, wrinkle softening treatments can prevent the formation of heavy static lines. If you wish to do this, start your treatments at an age when you are beginning to see tiny lines at rest.

Note that Written clearance from a neurologist is required for clients with conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis or Myaesthenia Gravis. Not suitable if pregnant.

What is the recommended treatment plan? We take a full-face approach that optimises facial balance and proportion. Dr Grant and our nurses will generally see patients a few times initially we have reached the desired outcome, after which we will only perform maintenance treatments if indicated. Often only small amounts are needed to maintain results, especially if you are having treatments to address skin quality. Note evidence now tells us that some facial aesthetic products can last a very long time in the face, with MRI studies confirming an ongoing presence after 12 years! Consequently, we will take a cautious approach.

What can I expect during the procedure? Once we have completed your initial consultation and decided on a plan you will fill in a consent form. Photos will be taken prior to your treatment. Please arrive makeup free and 30 minutes before your appointment if we have planned to use a topical anaesthetic. The procedure will take 30 – 60 minutes depending on what areas are treated.

Is there any downtime? Mild bruising, swelling, lumps, bumps and asymmetry are common, which generally settle in 2 weeks. Areas of thinner skin such as the lip/perioral regin or around the eyes wil bruise and swell more than other areas. Ice and paracetamol may be used to manage discomfort and be pateint- it will take a few days for the acute inflammation to settle. Mineral makeup may be applied 24 hours after your treatment. It is normal for treatments to take a few weeks to settle in. We will review outcomes at 3- 4 weeks post treatment and retreat at this time if required.  

What are the risks of medical treatments to Volumise and Contour the face? Your safety is paramount. Rarely, aesthetic injectable treatments are associated with infection, immune reaction and even blood vessel occlusion or blindness. For this reason they are not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women, patients with poor immune function or multiple allergies.

We also ask that you book a treatment when you are feeling well- If you have had a significant illness, a vaccination (any vaccination including COVID), or a dental procedure please wait for at least 4 weeks before, and after any deep aesthetic injection procedure. Give your body time to clear the inflammatory event before having an injectable treatment, its not an emergency! If you have frequent cold sores in the treatment area, we will prescribe you antiviral prophylaxis. We will review these risks and how to mitigate and manage them as part of your initial consultation.

This is why it is important to have treatments from medical practitioners with experience, knowledge of anatomy and who can treat you if a rare side effect occurs. Dr Grant personally cares for every patient in our clinic and works with a network of Cosmetic Physicians to provide you the best care.

What is the expected result? The results will be immediate, however allow 3- 4 weeks for the product to settle in and post procedural swelling and bruising to settle. We will review outcomes at 3- 4 weeks post treatment and retreat at this time if required.  

What is the cost? Due to regulatory guidelines imposed by the AHPRA and the TGA in 2024, we are not permitted to disclose any more information on our website in regards to the specific types and brands of treatments we offer, the pricing of medical treatment or images depicting possible results.  This type of information can be discussed during a consultation.

Multimodality Treatments: Dr Grant will often pair this type of treatment with skin treatments to improve skin quality and radiance such as he BioRevive Peel, Laser Facials,Collagen Stimulating Injections and Ultraformer. These modalities work synergistically to give a natural, glowing and tighter skin with no significant downtime and can be combined in the same session.

Keep in mind that all faces are different and a consultation is required before any treatment will be considered. To book an aesthetic medical consultation, please book with our Cosmetic Physicians or Registered Nurses

The key to natural outcomes is understanding why and how the face ages, taking the time to assess your facial features and developing a customised approach to enhance, as opposed to augment , your facial features.
— Dr Jemima Grant