Platelet Rich Plasma

What is PRP? Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a natural injected treatment to support skin and hair, focusing on restoration and regeneration of tissue rather than enhancement. PRP is autologous, meaning it is sourced from your own immune system- there is no risk of allergy and no synthetic products.

Platelet Rich Plasma is an exciting area of regenerative medicine that offers a holistic and natural option to revitalise multiple cell lines, offering a completely natural alternative to traditional injectable treatments.

Why use Platelet Rich Plasma? Platelets contain chemical messengers and growth factors that stimulate collagen formation and blood vessel growth, resulting in the production of healthier skin cells, improved hair growth and revitalised tissue. PRP can not over treat or over volumise the face, so it is a suitable option for patients wanting natural results.

How is PRP generated? After taking your blood in the clinic, we separate the blood components (red cells, white cells and plasma) using a centrifuge to find your own “liquid gold”.

How is PRP injected? PRP is injected in various fashions including a using tiny dermal needles.We use a compounded local anaesthetic applied to the skin or scalp 30 minutes prior to injection, as well mix local anaesthetic with your PRP so the treatment is not as painful as it sounds!

What makes our PRP “Premium”? Not all PRP is equal and there is a lot of flakey science associated with it! Dose matters, and if you use a suboptimal yield, you will not get results. Think of our system as the Rolls Royce of PRP- it delivers 10 billion platelets from 60ml sample of blood. Because of this, our protocols involve less treatments.

​​What areas & conditions can be treated with PRP? PRP can be used to regenerate skin anywhere on the face or body including:

  • periorbital region (under the eyes)

    nasolabial folds

  • neck & decolletage

  • hair restoration - hair thinning, male and female pattern alopecia, telegen effluvium

Who is suitable candidate for PRP? Clinical studies show us that while not everybody will respond to PRP, it is effective in the majority of healthy people. PRP relies on your own immune system- so the better your diet and lifestyle, the better quality your growth factors which will result in superior results. We do not use PRP in patients who smoke or have a poor lifestyle

Platelet Rich Plasma is an exciting area of regenerative medicine that offers a holistic and natural option to revitalise multiple cell lines, offering a completely natural alternative to synthetic injectable treatments.
— Dr Jemima Grant



Consultation A Medical assessment is required prior top consultation. Dr Bhatti or our our registered nurses will complete your treatment course.

Procedure Time
We use a compounded local anaesthetic to make the procedure comfortable. Please arrive 30 minutes before your appointment with clean, makeup free skin. Allow up to one hour for your treatment.

Recommended Plan
Initial Treatment: 3 sessions every 4 weeks Maintenance: every 6- 12 months.

Expectations PRP is a naturally regenerative process and results take time- while you may start to see changes in skin texture and hydration in the first 2 months, it may take 6 months to see results. The results of PRP are long lasting and we recommend a repeat treatment every 6- 12 months. Many patients continue to come for years for their maintenance given the natural and additive effects of treatment.

Plan your special event 3 weeks after your last treatment. This means starting your program 6 months in advance.

Downtime / Aftercare
Redness, swelling, bumps on the skin are common and settle in 2- 4days.

Bruising should be expected may take over 2 weeks to subside completely. We offer a complimentary course of Healite treatments to speed up this process.