🌿 5 Cardinal Rules of IPL - avoid the risks by following @drjemimagrant 's advice

🌿 5 Cardinal Rules of IPL - avoid the risks by following @drjemimagrant 's advice

With the unregulated cosmetic landscape in Australia, we need to regulate from the ground up, starting with patient education and empowerment. Read these important tips from a qualified Cosmetic Physician on IPL & Lasers

“ when I ask you to follow these IPL rules, please know that this is to protect you and your skin from harm. This is what doctors are trained to do, (“do no harm”). It s a mandate for us. Personally, I have also found that this approach will give you the best results, in the fastest time possible, which makes it more economical for you in the long run.”

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PDO Monothreads

PDO Monothreads

In the ever-evolving world of aesthetics, we are constantly seeking innovative and effective treatments to help our clients achieve healthy and radiant skin without resorting to invasive procedures. One such technique that has been garnering attention is PDO monothread treatments. This involves inserting hairthin, Polydioxanone (PDO) sutures into skin, which can help to strengthen, tighten and support the skin through stimulating collagen formation, providing results without the need for surgery or visible scarring.

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🔥 Tixel® - the best low downtime skin rejuvenation device to get your skin glowing this winter

🔥 Tixel® - the best low downtime skin rejuvenation device to get your skin glowing this winter

Tixel® is a skin rejuvenation system based on thermo-mechanical energy, meaning it uses heat and pressure energy to remodel skin. It’s not a laser, however it can bring about the same type of skin changes you see with a non ablative laser, with an increased safety profile and ability to treat the eye region.

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